Fookes NoteTab Pro v5.6.1 英文正式版(HTML代碼編輯工具軟體)
NoteTab Pro是一款強大的文本,HTML代碼編輯工具,可取代Windows的Notepad外。可編輯
NoteTab is a leading-edge text and HTML editor. Winner of
software industry awards since 1998, this application does
it all: it easily handles a stack of huge files; lets you
format text to your heart's content; does system-wide
searches, and multi-line global replacements. It even
corrects your spelling mistakes.
Build document templates, add bookmarks, convert text to
HTML on-the-fly, and take charge of your code. Use a simple,
power-packed scripting language to create anything from a
text macro to a mini-application.
Fookes Software NoteTab Pro v6.2 英文正式版(HTML編輯器軟體)
Fookes NoteTab Pro v5.6 英文正式版(HTML代碼編輯軟體)
Fookes NoteTab Pro v5.4 Retail 英文正式版(文本,HTML代碼編輯軟體)